© Copyright: 1996 Albert Meltzer
- Foreward by Stuart Christie
- Introduction by Phil Ruff
- Chapter I
- The Box Scandal; Gypsies and Germans; The Film Scandal; The Road to Salvation: In the Van; Lost Millions;
Paradise Lost and Regained
- Chapter II
- The Coasts of Bohemia; Fighting Fascism; The Battle of Cable Street; Schoolboy Anarchist; Castles in Spain;
Frustration on Spain
- Chapter III
- Off to Work; The Guy They All Dread; Early Days; Ebbtide; Attempts on Dictators; Around the Left
- Chapter IV
- War Clouds; The Taste of Defeat; War at Last; Internment and Discernment; Splitting the Atom; Blackpool Breezes; Prison; Division; Military Detention
- Chapter V
- On 'Active' Service; the Marquis and the Maquis; the Cairo Mutiny; Bounty on the Mutiny
- Chapter VI
- Back in the Old Routine; The Spanish Resistance; The 374 Monster; Ruling the Waves; Three Minute Celebrity
- Chapter VII
- Bookselling; The Thetford Pain; Bookselling, the Lack of; Tales of the Housing Acts; The New Left; Squatting; International Spy
- Chapter VIII
- Plumbing the Depths; Keeping Watch; -- And Ward; The Law-and-Order Candidate; Poetry to Pros
- Chapter IX
- The Iberian Liberation Council; How the Thames Was Lost
- Chapter X
- The Spy, the Royalist and a Last Farewell; The Freedom of the Press; Admonition; Old Flame and New Floods
- Chapter XI
- Half-time summing-up
- Chapter XII
- Closer Links with Spain; Customs and Practice; Error and Terror; Satire; The Wooden Shoe;
The Carrara Conference; The Vietnam Connection
- Photos
- Chapter XIII
- The Shadow of the Tong; The Anarchist Black Cross; Miguel Garcia; Start of "Black Flag"; Towards the Centre; Rise of the Print Empire; Anarchist in Fleet Street; 1986 Again; Doctor's Dilemma
- Chapter XIV
- The Spanish War (Continued!); Centro Iberico; Greek Tragedy; Haverstock Hill; The Invisible Woman; This Gun for Sale;
Only Too Visible Women; Channel Swimmer in Beads; Emilienne
- Chapter XV
- Floodgates; The First Twenty Black Flag Years; Novel Approach; Terrorist Links; The Magic Coat
- Chapter XVI
- Barrack Room Lawyer Again; Twilight of Francosim; The Angry Brigade; Bitov What You Fancy; The Brief Morning of Anarchy; Trials and Tribulations
- Chapter XVII
- Auto Destruction; At the Old Bailey; Witness of the Persecution; Fun and Games at the Gulag; The Most Distressful Country;
After the Storm; Irish Association; The Murrays
- Chapter XVIII
- The CNT between Death and Birth; The Re-Birth of the CNT; The Phoney CNT; The Orkneys; Cienfuegos Press; The Wooden Horse
- Chapter XIX
- The Execution of Puig Antich; the 'Newer Angry Brigades': The Bookie Always Wins; Affinity Groups; Persons Unknown; The Protest Movement
- Chapter XX
- After the Christie File; Refract; "The Kid's Last Fight"; Kate Sharpley
- Chapter XXI
- By the Waters of Babylon; The Battle of Railton Road; International Centres
- Chapter XXII
- Communism and Pandora's Box; A Rebel Spirit; 1984 and All That
- Chapter XXIII
- The State's Internal Enemy; Death Pangs of Fleet Street; Spanish Practices; The Battle of Wapping; The Emperor's Courtiers
- Chapter XXIV
- The New Left; "Anarchy'; Lost Weekend; Venice Observed
- Chapter XXV
- Lucky Strike; Direct Action Years; Poll Tax; The Battle of Trafalgar Square; Class War; Leo
- Chapter XXVI
- Higher Intelligence; Velikovsky; Wonderful Copenhagen; Jim Abra; Counter intelligence; The Informer Who Changed History
- Chapter XXVII
- Two Fascisms; Anti-Fascist Fascism; The irascibles; the End of Fleet Street; Retirement; Down Under
- Chapter XXVIII
- My Discovery of Sweden; The Schism; 'Nordic Anarchism': Weekend in Macedonia
- Chapter XXIX
- Looking Back; State Over Health; The Slump (Second Act); Act in the Court; Police in the State; Looking Forward
- Chapter XXX
- The Final Curtain
- Appendix I
- Appendix II
Marked up by Chuck0 in 1996
Published by:
AK Press