Poverty In Scotland D.S.S. statistics from 1993 show that 28% of children under 16 in Scotland live in households which are dependent on Income Support. Ten years earlier it was 15%, twenty years ago, about 10%. Estimates extracted from British wide figures suggest that 38% of Scottish children live in poverty. This rises to 42% when only the under 5's are considered. Glasgow has a 19% unemployment rate, compared to the 9% British average. The number of adults dependent on Income Support in Scotland has grown from 451 000 (9% of the population) in 1979 to 805 000 (16% of the population) in 1991. Between 1981 and 1991, the number of people living in poverty in Strathclyde doubled. Poverty across the globe The 1994 Human Development Report issued by the United Nations reveals that : -"Between 1960 and 1991, the share of world income for the richest 20 percent of the global population rose from 70 percent to 85 percent. Over the same period, all but the richest 20% saw their share of world income fall - and the meagre share of the poorest 20 percent declined from 2.3 percent to 1.4 percent." - The military budgets of developing countries totals $125 billion annually, just 12 percent of that would make it possible for a billion people to visit a healthcare professional, prevent two million children from dying of preventable infectious diseases every year, provide proper diet for 192 million malnourished children and access to safe water to 1.3 billion people. - In 1993, more than 35 million persons in industrialised countries were seeking jobs.