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Workers Solidarity No 49

Autumn 1996

Thats capitalism

In case it's needed more on how stupid and cruel capitalism is

*** News from Ireland & WSM ***

For Starters

We look back at the protest organised against the US warship, the JFK which recently visited Dublin.

Who guards the guards?

In the light of the latest crime scare and the extra powers provided to the police we look at what the state is really up to.

It's still an Orange state

Again this year loyalist parades were forced through nationalist areas destroying any illusions that the British state is neutral in the 6 counties.

Four short articles

On wringing bosses, women workers being ripped off, a rebel union conference and politics in Irish schools.

Strikes increase

The state is pleading with the union leaders to put a lid on the recent increase in strikes. Will the rank and file workers be able to stop this happening.

An Post strike

An interview with a striker during the recent An Post dispute

Early Learning Strike won

After a long and bitter strike the Early Learning Strikes have defeated the bosses in Cork. We report on this victory.

14,000 Join anti-water charges campaign

The anti-water charges campaign is heading for victory with 14,000 paid up members and 83% of households behind in paying the bills or having paid none at all.

*** International News ***

Anarchists raided in Canada

The Canadian state has raided anarchists in Quebec in response to growing social unrest.

Fascists lose USENET vote

Mary Robinson and the UN

Current Irish president Mary Robinson fancies herself as UN president and has recently been talking about the role of the UN. We look at what the UN is really used for.


Veteran British anarchist Albert Meltzer died in May this year

World anarchist news

Four short pieces from Germany, Spain, Belorussia and Poland about anarchist activities in those countries.

Liverpool dockers strike

The Liverpool dockers are now coming up to one year on strike in their heroic struggle against the logic of capitalism.

*** History and Theory ***

Spain 60 years on

The first two weeks of the Spanish Revolution of 1936

The State, Democracy and Anarchism

What do anarchists mean when they say they are against the state and how do we see society functioning without an elite running it on behalf of everyone else.

Emma Goldman

A brief look at the life and writings of Emma Goldman

Against Private Property?

When anarchists say "property is theft" does this mean they are after your tooth brush?

Mary Robinson and the UN

Current Irish president Mary Robinson fancies herself as UN president and has recently been talking about the role of the UN. We look at what the UN is really used for.

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