Date: Mon, 21 Sep 87 12:52 EDT From: Tom Knight Subject: Pros and Cons of Suns To: Message-ID: <870921125238.6.TK@CUCKOO.SCRC.Symbolics.COM> Date: Fri, 27 Feb 87 21:39:24 EST From: To: sun-users, systems Pros and Cons of Suns (Flame ON) Well, I've got a spare minute here, because my Sun's editor window evaporated in front of my eyes, taking with it a day's worth of Emacs state. So, the question naturally arises, what's good and bad about Suns? This is the fifth day I've used a Sun. Coincidentally, it's also the fifth time my Emacs has given up the ghost. So I think I'm getting a feel for what's good about Suns. One neat thing about Suns is that they really boot fast. You ought to see one boot, if you haven't already. It's inspiring to those of us whose LispM's take all morning to boot. Another nice thing about Suns is their simplicity. You know how a LispM is always jumping into that awful, hairy debugger with the confusing backtrace display, and expecting you to tell it how to proceed? Well, Suns ALWAYS know how to proceed. They dump a core file, and kill the offending process. What could be easier? If there's a window involved, it closes right up. (Did I feel a draft?) This simplicity greatly decreases debugging time, because you immediately give up all hope of finding the problem, and just restart from the beginning whatever complex task you were up to. In fact, at this point, you can just boot. Go ahead, it's fast! One reason Suns boot fast is that they boot less. When a LispM loads code into its memory, it loads a lot of debugging information too. For example, each function records the names of its arguments and locals, the names of all macros expanded to produce its code, documentation strings, and sometimes an interpreted definition, just for good measure. Oh, each function also remembers which file it was defined in. You have no idea how useful this is: There's an editor command called "Meta-Point" which immediately transfers you to the source of any function, without breaking your stride. ANY function, not just one of a special predetermined set. Likewise, there's a key which causes the calling sequence of a function to be displayed instantly. Logged into a Sun for the last few days, my Meta-Point reflex has continued unabated, but it is completely frustrated. C* has about 80 files. If I want to edit the code of a function Foo, I have to switch to a shell window and grep for Foo in various files. Then I have to type in the name of the appropriate file. Then I have to correct my spelling error. Finally I have to search inside the file. What used to take 5 seconds now takes a minute or two. (But what's an order of magnitude between friends?) By this time, I really want to see the Sun at its best, so I'm tempted to boot it a couple of times. There's a wonderful Unix command called "strip", with which you force programs to remove all their debugging information. Unix programs (such as the Sun window system) are stripped as a matter of course, because all the debugging information takes up disk space and slows down the booting process. This means you can't use the debugger on them. But that's no loss; have you seen the Unix debugger? Really. Did you know that all the standard Sun window applications ("tools") are really one massive 3/4 Mb binary? This allows the tools to share code (there's a lot of code in there). Lisp Machines share code too this way too. Isn't it nice, that our workstations protect our memory investments by sharing code. None of the standard Sun window applications ("tools") support Emacs. Unix applications cannot be patched either; you must have the source so you can patch THAT, and then regenerate the application from the source. But I sure wanted my Sun's mouse to talk to Emacs. So I got a couple hundred lines of code (from GNU source) to compile, and link with the very same code which is shared by all the standard Sun window applications ("tools"). Presto! Emacs gets mice! Just like the LispM; I remember Dan's and my hacks to the LispM terminal program: a couple tens of lines of Lisp code. (Well, it was less work than those aforementioned couple hundred lines of code, but what's an order of magnitude between friends?) Ok, so I run my Emacs-with-mice program, happily mousing away. Pretty soon Emacs starts to say things like "Memory exhausted" and "Segmentation violation, core dumped". The little Unix console is consoling itself with messages like "clntudp_create: out of memory". Eventually my Emacs window decides it's time to close up for the day. What has happened? Two things, apparently. One is that when I created my custom patch to the window system, to send mouse clicks to Emacs, I created another massive 3/4 Mb binary, which doesn't share space with the standard Sun window applications ("tools"). This means that instead of one huge mass of shared object code running the window system, and taking up space on my paging disk, I had two such huge masses, identical except for a few pages of code. So I paid a megabyte of swap space for the privilege of using a mouse with my editor. (Emacs itself is a third large mass.) The Sun kernel was just plain running out of room. Every trivial hack you make to the window system replicates the entire window system. But that's not all: Apparently there are other behemoths of the swap volume. There are some network-y things with truly stupendous-sized data segments. Moreover, they grow over time, eventually taking over the entire swap volume, I suppose. So you can't leave a Sun up for very long. That's why I'm glad Suns are easy to boot! But why should a network server grow over time? You've got to realize that the Sun software dynamically allocates very complex data structures. You are supposed to call "free" on every structure you have allocated, but it's understandable that a little garbage escapes now and then, because of programmer oversight. Or programmer apathy. So eventually the swap volume fills up! This leads me to daydream about a workstation architecture optimized for the creation and manipulation of large, complex, interconnected data structures, and some magic means of freeing storage without programmer intervention. Such a workstation could stay up for days, reclaiming its own garbage, without need for costly booting operations. But of course, Suns are very good at booting! So good, they sometimes spontaneously boot, just to let you know they're in peak form! Well, the console just complained about the lack of memory again. Gosh, there isn't time to talk about the other LispM features I've been free of for the last week. Such as incremental recompilation and loading. Or incremental testing of programs, from a Lisp Listener. Or a window system you can actually teach new things (I miss my mouse sensitive Lisp forms). Or safe tagged architecture that rigidly distinguishes between pointers and integers. Or the Control-Meta-Suspend key. Or manuals. Time to boot! [ Seriously folks: I'm doing my best to get our money's worth out of this box, and there are solutions to some of the above problems. In particular, thanks to Bill for increasing my swap space. In terms of raw CPU power, a Sun can really get jobs done fast. But I needed to let off some steam, because this disappearing editor act is really getting my dander up. ]