Simplicity, carried to an extreme, becomes elegance.
— Jon Franklin
In this modern word of FooBooks and BarSpaces personal web pages might look like an abandonded technology, but I like them. I encourage everyone to have one.
I am not a web designer, as should be painfully obvious from these pages. Content, in my case, is mostly text, so that's what I'm trying to deliver. I try to follow standards and try to avoid using images for decoration or for navigational purposes. The images that I use on my pages, mostly photos, carry at least some meaning themselves.
Almost all pages are static files containing a small subset of HTML 5. There's no Javascript. I don't do cookies, unless you count the ones baked in an oven.
I have written rater minimal CSS compliant stylesheets but all pages should be perfectly viewable without CSS support.
I include a timestamp at the bottom of each ordinary HTML file unless it is otherwise dated.
GNU Emacs, a Lisp based operating system cunningly disguised as a text editor, was used to write all text. Most of it was written in Markdown. Some was written in Org Mode markup.
My mdn script and CommonMark's
Markdown parser made most pages. mdn
is mostly a wrapper
around cmark, automatically run by make
BSD make was used to automatically rebuild HTML files if the source files had changed.
org-static-blog and Emacs' Org Mode's ordinary HTML export rendered the blog with mostly the same CSS as the rest of my web pages.
simgal, a simple shell script I wrote, made my photo albums, but the real job was made by ImageMagick and jhead.
txt2tags made some of the older pages.
My flist script made some of the really ancient file lists.
LaTeX made some of the PDFs.
Groff with my own macros made some PDFs.
Some of the Postscript files were written directly in Postscript by myself, mostly just for the fun of it.
Last updated: <2021-04-16 23:29:45 MEST>