MC's journal

Boomtime, the 44 day of Discord in the YOLD 3186

Strange RSS Feed

I apologize for my strange RSS feed lately. You have likely seen old, in some cases very old, posts marked unread in your feed reader.

I am, again, using org-static-blog to render my blog. I have converted all the posts from Markdown to Org Mode. I experimented for a few days with the pre-amble and post-amble when generating HTML and some, but not all, feed readers marked the posts as unread.

The posts' <link>, <pubDate>, and <guid> were unchanged, though, and even the <description> should be unchanged most of the time, because the preamble and postamble should only be used in the static web pages and not the feed.

This was actually a rather interesting problem that led me to this nice summary.

I still don't know what caused this, but I'll stop experimenting on the real feed and use something else to see if I can pin down and hopefully fix the problem.

Written by MC using Emacs and friends.