What am I doing now?

This is my /now page. Perhaps you should have one, too?

What am I doing now?

I live in Malmö in the south of Sweden with my wife Petra and our kid. Bought a much smaller flat in an old house this fall. Still in central Malmö. It was a challenge to fit the bookcases (now down to 19 + a wall of shelves), but it worked. Symmetric gigabit Internet! Yaaay!

Reading a lot of fiction, mostly SF&F. Lately I've been reading a lot of other books as well, about remote working, deep work, slow productivity, and intentional living. Trying to practise some of the things, decluttering my mind a bit, and probably also the space around me. Things are still a mess since the recent move to the new flat, but we're getting there.

Nominally working part time, with a 32 hour week. I used to have Fridays off but now I'm experimenting with shorter days instead, typically 6:30 hours Mon-Thu and then 6 hours on Friday. Let's see how it works. I'm terribly bad at stopping working and feel so guilty all the time that I easily work way too much, but things might change, perhaps.

Work is at Tillitis, a very small company where we design and sell FLOSS hardware and software. Our first project is the TKey, a small computer that can be used as a USB security token, among other things.

The main office is in Gothenburg but I mostly work from home or sometimes from coworking spaces or more temporary offices around Malmö. I visit HQ in Gothenburg about once a month.

Still managing all the hack.org services by myself. I've been trying to cut down on the services and I'm slowly working on replacing some of the hardware, too.

I continue to practise zazen, the zen buddhist form of sitting meditation which I started doing in my teens, although I admit to lapses in the habit.

Haven't attended my historical fencing class at all this term. It's been... complicated.

I'm on a permanent break from most social media but maintain a skeleton presence on some of them. Please don't be offended if I'm not answering your friend request. Reach out in some other way instead!

I'm again rather active on my blog.


Last updated: <2025-03-20 08:19:36 CET>