This is the download page for mcwm, a minimalistic window manager.
Latest and recommended distribution first. User visible changes in NEWS. Development is at Github:
Note that mcwm may be available as a package in your operating
system's software distribution. For instance, mcwm is known to be
available in FreeBSD ports as x11-wm/mcwm
. It is also available in
NetBSD, Arch Linux, PuppyLinux and possibly other distributions.
Martin "cos" Samuelsson has a Debian package.
mcwm-20130209-2.tar.bz2. New features: Backtabbing and moving to previous and next workspace. Some compiling fixes for other platforms. New flag: -i to allow windows to be hidden. xcb_util handling rewritten.
mcwm-20111124.tar.bz2. Bugfix and more features. Please note! -b is no longer boolean and requires a numeric argument.
mcwm-20110818.tar.bz2. Mainly bugfix release. Fixes crashing bug if you have only one screen.
mcwm-20110721.tar.bz2. RANDR support! Many bug fixes and code cleanup.
mcwm-20110308.tar.bz2. MODKEY-Tab can now focus last focused window.
mcwm-20101118-2.tar.bz2 Please note! Changed from use of Mod2 to Mod4!
Last updated: <2021-02-06 18:53:31 MET>