"A robot hacker rabbit from outer space."

MC's journal

Datalagring, igen!


On my way to FOSDEM 2025

Living together: Reflections on collective living

The Uniform

sec-t 2024

Experiment in Digital minimalism

Status 2024-06-08

Dream Setup

Status 2024-03-29

About death

Status 2024-02-25

Presentation at Sundsgymnasiet school

Keyboard layouts

Status 2024-02-14

Laptop stand

Status 2024-01-29

MC in the US: OSFC, SF, Seattle, Microsoft

Tillitis TKey now available

H3: Instead of C3

Tillitis Key 1

Gemini capsule

From Netnod to Mullvad

Chatcontrol, searching messages for illegal content

YOLD 3186


Videotex and online services

Strange RSS Feed

Life in the quarantine cottage

How Internet came to Sweden

No more X11!

Locked Shields 2019

Bakelite phone

NTS developments

Fiber to the (weekend) home

Managing reading

Collaborative working and writing

Network Time Security

Incompatible Timesharing System

#3, Mars and the blood moon



The now page movement

Teleservice offers IPv6 over 6rd

Going native on a Chromebook

Running CP/M: Microbee, Compis, and Yaze-AG

IPv6 Only FreeBSD

32nd Chaos Communication Congress

Apple Photos and photo captions

Using Hugo as a blog generator

mub - a minimalist IRC client in Go

Disk crash brought down hack.org & others

Go and xmpp-client

IPv6 tunnel from HE with dynamic endpoint on FreeBSD

Experiments with Raspberry Pis

Symbolics and the Lisp machines

Converting a blog from Blosxom to Pelican

You've got mail!

mu4e — a powerful Emacs mail client

Using DuckDuckGo as a Tor Hidden Service in Firefox search box

OS X User Notifications from rcirc

New release of the simgal gallery generator

rcirc and the bouncer

Using EMMS on OS X

First day at new job

FreeBSD serial console on another port

Personality types

Autumn is here

Surviving OS X on a Macbook Air

Using the pomodoro technique with Emacs

Gislövs läge


Wayland, window managers and suicide

Openiked, a FreeBSD port and partial NAT-T on FreeBSD and Linux

Bletchley Park & The National History of Computing Museum

Status Report YOLD 3179

IPsec at FSCONS 2012

Hacker school at Internet discovery day

Visiting Aida

Local newspaper writes about hacker/maker culture

Delete your Facebook account

MC speaking at FSCONS 2012

BTNS Progress Report 4

Progress in the BTNS project: Raw RSA key in CERT payload

MC turns 40

hack.org blocked by web filtering companies

Ludvig's graduation

Errors in press release about BTNS project

Better-than-nothing security

Ubuntu LTS: Unity, Sugar and Wayland

Presentation of mcwm at FSCONS 2011

In praise of silent terminals

screen & tmux

µWM — Another XCB-based Stacking Window Manager

Be Lucky Window Manager

Icons in mcwm and new program: hidden

Three Happy Hacking Keyboards

Resolver now loads IPSECKEY into racoon

Patches to racoonctl

racoonctl talks to racoon

mcwm + icons = true

My Window Manager Gets Icons

Running Firefox as Another User

New Racoon Patches


OE IPsec part 6, Racoon Patches and Configuration

OE IPsec part 5, The (Wo)Man in the Middle

OE IPsec part 4, It Works!

OE IPsec part 3

Year of Our Lady Discordia 3178

New xcb-util breaks mcwm, part 2

New xcb-util breaks mcwm

OE IPsec part 2

Opportunistic Encryption on the IP Layer

Privilege seperation in radns

New release of mcwm and some speculations


The Country Cottage

pfSense looks at radns

radns in FreeBSD ports

XS4All and Service Above and Beyond the Call of Duty

Sherlock Holmes


Post-It Invaders

radns, part 5

JohnnyLove and the Nano Technology


Genesi Efika MX Smartbook

Ny release av mcwm

CST L-Trac-X


Ändra tangentbordslayout med XKB

Happy Hacking Keyboard och XKB, del 2

Happy Hacking Keyboard och XKB

mcwm del 6

radns del 4, och en teaser om mcwm

Rockbox på SanDisk Sansa Clip +

Minix på Atari ST

Importera Google Calendar till Emacs Calendar

MC får stipendium?

Fotoalbumgeneratorn simgal, del 4

Fotoalbumgeneratorn simgal Bourne again

Siemens RTL Tiling WM, Blit, Andrew Window System och Wayland

Fotoalbumgeneratorn simgal

MC:s fotoalbumgenerator

MC går över till HTML5 (för ett år sedan!)

mcwm i FreeBSD ports

Kreativ nostalgi med Atari ST, Blit, MGR, UW och DNet

Uppdatering av fönsterhanteraren mcwm

dzen — en programmerarvänlig statuspanel

De fria IPv4-adressblocken är slut!

27C3: 27th Chaos Communication Congress

radns, del 3

Länkar 2010-11-29

Fönsterhanteraren mcwm, en uppdatering

Emacsclient flyttar Emacs-fönster!

FSONS 2010

Firefox som annan användare

Lätt asocial MC, FSCONS och 27C3

Textbaserade musikspelare

Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional 2

Ny X-server vs gammal xmodmap

HP ZR24w

Fönsterhanteraren mcwm, del två


radns, del 2

Övergång till UTF-8

Några ord om typsnitt i X och typsnitt för programmering

Konvertering till Markdown och valideringen av bloggen

Tangentbordsmappning i FreeBSD, del 2

Tangentbordsmappningar i FreeBSD-konsollen (och några till X)

Hackjunta #1

Markdown vs Blosxom 1-0: Bra bloggverktyg, någon?

Den sociala webben eller det sociala nätet: en betraktelse

Tre knappar! Jag vill ha tre knappar!

Happy Hacking Keyboard

IPv6, autokonfiguration och DNS

Datorer till folket! Nät åt alla!

Vävd kabel

Open Source Days 2010

Razzian mot hackerspacet Forskningsavdelningen

Varför behövs IPv6?

Internets födelsedag

Multi-user chat, SCTP och nätverksbibliotek

Kampen om hackern

Datalagringsdirektivet och möjliga vägar runt det

FreeBSD 7.2 på Thinkpad X60s

ARPANET-film, Imlac PDS-1 och Maze

Tidiga skärmtexteditorer


Ny blog

Written by MC using Emacs and friends.